Referee Points Update – Mt Diablo Soccer Association is an all volunteer league. In order to run effectively each year and future years we need a pool of referees that are trained and actively participate (competent and confident). Per MDSA policy, If there is no certified referee for the match – there is no match and the goals get put away (for 10u and above).
Changes for Fall 2024 season:
Given we have more teams doing interplay this year with other regions and the amount of overhead required to track and manage points, the following changes will be implemented in Fall 2024 (as approved by MDSA Board):

  • Same as last year:
    • Each team should have 2 certified referees
    • Referees can referee own matches (until World Cup)
    • Referee Points are accumulated as follows per match:
      • Center Referee (CR) = 2 pts
      • Assistant Referee (AR) = 1 pt
  • Changes from last year:
    • No referee points will be required for 14 – 19u given significant interleague play and higher level of matches (team referees are still required and if no referee, no game)
    • Referee point targets for 10/12u have been reduced by 25% to account for interleague games (now 12 points required for each before the end of World Cup Pool Play)
    • We will not track points for refereeing interleague matches at other fields and referees are not required to report them (although all referees should bring their gear and be willing to help at all games). Our primary focus is having MDSA referees cover MDSA home field matches.
    • Exceptions for point allocations have all been removed (new referee bonus, etc)
    • No limit on point gifting from other referees (previously 25%)
    • Points can only be earned at age group or higher (a referee can not allocate lower age group match points to higher ones). Example: points earned from an 8u match can not be allocated to a 10u team.

Process for earning points:

  • Referees should sign up for games on MDSA fields using the InLeague referee scheduler, before or right after the game (for matches you cover at the field). Point calculations are based on this schedule and whether you were the Center or Assistant referee.
  • Refadmin will approve the scheduling request
  • After the match allocate your earned points to your team (or another) in inLeague. Go to Referees menu (in InLeague)> Allocate Referee Points, assign the credit for each game you worked to your team to receive credit. REMINDER: Referee points need to be earned in the team’s same age division or older (Ref Admin will remove point allocations that do not meet this requirement)
  • Point reporting by team will be updated in Inleague automatically

Approximately half way through the season, we will start publishing the referee point report for all teams in 10/12u so everyone is clear how you are tracking toward the target point amounts.

Points Requirements

In order to ensure that all matches are covered by qualified and certified referees, all teams at 10U and older are subject to this policy. If teams fail to meet this requirement, they will be ineligible to compete in the elimination stages of the World Cup (10u / 12u) or participate in the Area Cup (14u). 19u will not have a referee point requirement.

Required referee point totals by Age Group are listed below (note each team should have 10 matches to earn these points prior to the deadlines below):

10u 12u 14u 19u
Points Required 16 16 12
Deadline End of World Cup Pool Play End of World Cup Pool Play End of World Cup Pool Play No Points requirement

  • Referee Points are accumulated as follows per match:
    • Center Referee (CR) = 2 pts
    • Assistant Referee (AR) = 1 pt
  • Referees must be listed on the Volunteer Sheet to receive credit as a Team Referee.
  • Referee points need to be earned in the team’s same age division or older

Earning/Crediting Points

  • Referees should sign up for games on MDSA fields using the Inleague referee schedule, before or after the game (for matches you cover at the field). Point calculations are based on this schedule.
  • You do not receive credit in our reporting until you allocate your earned points to your team in inLeague. Go to Referees menu (in InLeague)> Allocate Referee Points, assign the credit for each game you worked to your team to receive credit. Please do this weekly so our referee point reporting is as accurate as possible each week.

Referee Point Reporting

The Ref Admin team will publish the first referee point report by team approximately half way through the season (and weekly after that) to the coaches and referees for each team. You can email with any questions on that report.